Hvad er graviditetsorlov, barselsorlov og forældreorlov?

What is pregnancy leave, maternity leave and parental leave?

What is maternity leave?

The maternity period gives parents the opportunity to take time off from work and care for their newborn child. The duration of the maternity leave may vary from country to country and depends on the legislation in question.

In Denmark, changes were implemented in the maternity agreement, which was adopted in the Folketing and entered into force from August 2022.

During maternity leave in Denmark, it is important to update the information if there are changes to the plans. This can include situations such as holidays or if you want to return to work earlier than planned. The parents can give notice digitally through "My maternity" , a personal maternity page available to them.

In Denmark, parents are collectively entitled to 4 weeks' pregnancy leave, 10 weeks' maternity leave, 2 weeks' paternity leave and 32-46 weeks' parental leave, which amounts to a total of 52 weeks.

What do the different maternity leaves mean and can I be active during the entire leave? 

In Denmark, there are several different types of maternity leave which give parents the opportunity to take care of their newborn children. Here is an overview of the most important types of maternity leave in Denmark:

Pregnancy leave 

Pregnancy leave is a right for all pregnant women, which gives the opportunity to take 4 weeks of leave before the due date. If the birth were to take place before the due date, it will shorten the length of the maternity leave. Conversely, if you exceed the due date, the leave will be extended by the number of days you exceed.

Exercise : As a pregnant woman, it is important to plan and manage your tasks and responsibilities, and here we would recommend that you include planning an active lifestyle during and after pregnancy. However, it is important to avoid setting unrealistic goals, as this may result in failure to achieve them. An example of a realistic goal could be to do pelvic floor exercises for 10 minutes every day. You can find more information on how to train your pelvic floor here. In addition, you can also participate in pregnancy swimming. Pregnancy swimming, also known as prenatal swimming or water exercise for pregnant women, refers to physical activity in the water specially designed for pregnant women. This typically involves exercises that are gentle on the body and safe during pregnancy.

Maternity leave

Maternity leave is a form of paid leave given to parents after the birth or adoption of a child. It is a form of leave that gives the parents time to care for and care for the newborn or adopted child.

Overtime for mother

The mother's maternity leave begins immediately after the end of pregnancy leave. This leave takes effect the day after the birth. As a mother, you are entitled to 10 weeks of maternity leave, of which the first 2 weeks must be taken, while the other parent can take the following 8 weeks.

If you, as a mother, are unable to take care of a child, the other parent can take over the maternity leave.

Exercise : You have just given birth and the body has been exposed to a strain, therefore it needs to be retrained. What does this mean?

Post-pregnancy rehabilitation refers to the physical exercises and activities that can help women recover and regain strength and function after childbirth. The rehabilitation focuses primarily on strengthening and stretching the muscles that have been strained during pregnancy and childbirth, especially the pelvic floor, abdominal muscles and back.

Here are some examples of rehabilitation exercises you can do after your pregnancy:

  1. Pelvic floor training: During pregnancy and childbirth, the pelvic floor undergoes considerable stress, and it is important to strengthen and retrain this muscle group. Kegel exercises, which involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor, are particularly helpful. Read more about pelvic floor training here on "Pelvic floor training" .
  2. Abdominal muscle rehabilitation: The abdominal muscles are stretched and weakened during pregnancy, especially the rectus abdominis. Exercises such as sit-ups, the plank and deep abdominal breathing exercises can help rebuild and strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  3. Posture: Pregnancy can affect posture due to changes in the center of gravity and muscle weakness. Exercises that focus on improving posture and strengthening the back and shoulder muscles, such as shrugs and exercises with back support can be helpful.
  4. Cardiovascular exercise: After getting permission from the doctor, moderate cardio such as walking, swimming or cycling can be gradually incorporated to improve general cardiovascular fitness. Read more about "Postpartum training"

It is important to remember that the recovery process after pregnancy varies from woman to woman depending on factors such as general health, physical fitness before pregnancy and the type of delivery. We always recommend consulting a doctor or a physiotherapist who can provide personalized advice and guidelines based on individual needs and health condition. Read more at Vejlebækkenklinik .

Baby swimming:

Baby swimming is a structured activity where your baby is introduced to water through swimming lessons. It takes place in heated pools or basins and aims to promote water habituation, water skills and water safety in your child at an early age. Baby swimming includes play, singing games, exercises and adapted water activities based on your child's age and development. The goal is to create a positive and safe experience in the water, while promoting motor development, coordination, muscle strength and balance in your baby. It can also improve breathing techniques, stimulate the senses and create a positive connection between your baby and the water. Baby swimming can also introduce your child to water safety and prepare them for later swimming lessons. It is important to have qualified instructors or experienced adults present to ensure that your baby is safe and comfortable in the water environment. Always follow the guidelines and advice of professional instructors when participating in baby swimming.

Overtime leave for other parents 

Your partner is entitled to 2 weeks of continuous maternity leave immediately after the birth of your child. The leave can be taken for the first 10 weeks after the birth.

Maternity leave

Parental leave is taken after your child's 10th week. Here, both parents are entitled to 32 weeks of parental leave each and can choose to take leave at the same time or in continuation of each other. For example, your partner can start his parental leave while yours is in progress. One thing to note is that you are not entitled to maternity pay for all the weeks. Mother will be entitled to 14 weeks' leave with maternity pay, of which 9 weeks are earmarked. Your partner will be entitled to 22 weeks of leave with maternity pay, of which 9 weeks are earmarked.

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