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MyBelly Blog
History of pregnancy
Insufficient knowledge about pregnancy? The history of pregnancy stretches back to the earliest existence of man. For millennia, people have tried to understand how pregnancy occurs and develops. Ancient civilizations...
History of pregnancy
Insufficient knowledge about pregnancy? The history of pregnancy stretches back to the earliest existence of man. For millennia, people have tried to understand how pregnancy occurs and develops. Ancient civilizations...
What is pregnancy leave, maternity leave and pa...
What is maternity leave? The maternity period gives parents the opportunity to take time off from work and care for their newborn child. The duration of the maternity leave may...
What is pregnancy leave, maternity leave and pa...
What is maternity leave? The maternity period gives parents the opportunity to take time off from work and care for their newborn child. The duration of the maternity leave may...
MyBelly's Live with breastfeeding advisor Lone ...
What can a lactation consultant help you with? A breastfeeding counselor is a professional who specializes in helping you as a mother breastfeed your baby by offering advice and support...
MyBelly's Live with breastfeeding advisor Lone ...
What can a lactation consultant help you with? A breastfeeding counselor is a professional who specializes in helping you as a mother breastfeed your baby by offering advice and support...
Postpartum training
Exercise after giving birth? Postpartum training can have many benefits in addition to activating the specially exposed muscle areas. It can also help rebuild the body's strength and energy, improve...
Postpartum training
Exercise after giving birth? Postpartum training can have many benefits in addition to activating the specially exposed muscle areas. It can also help rebuild the body's strength and energy, improve...
Pelvic floor training
What is the pelvic floor? The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the organs in the pelvis, including the lower back, uterus and rectum. During your pregnancy,...
Pelvic floor training
What is the pelvic floor? The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the organs in the pelvis, including the lower back, uterus and rectum. During your pregnancy,...
Pregnancy and exercise
Strengthen your body during and after your pregnancy When you are physically active during your pregnancy, exercise can have many positive effects for both your baby and yourself, including increasing...
Pregnancy and exercise
Strengthen your body during and after your pregnancy When you are physically active during your pregnancy, exercise can have many positive effects for both your baby and yourself, including increasing...